NH State Library Project
Following the 1998 New England Ice Storm, the New Hampshire Arborists Association applied for and received a competitive matching educational grant of $50,000 as part of the USDA Forest Service New Hampshire appropriation for the 1998 Ice Storm Recovery Program.
Arborist Resources Housed at the New Hampshire State Library
The NH Arborists Association’s Executive Board allocated $15,000.00 of that grant to formally establish and endow its long-held goal of NH Arborists Association Core Collection of Arborist Educational Resources for New Hampshire Arborists to be permanently housed at the New Hampshire State Library in Concord, New Hampshire.
The NH Arborists Association State Library Project Committee was established to bring the project to fruition (Mary Reynolds, Chair; Bill Collins, Jeff Garland, Al Gates, Larry Grondin, Richard Herfurth, and Jeff Taylor).
More than 175 Books, DVD’s, CDs, CD ROMS, Slide Sets, Video Sets, other publications and AV equipment were selected, acquired, and delivered to the New Hampshire State Library.
Core Collection of Arborist Resources Available to Public
The New Hampshire State Library houses and provides access to these resources. In 2001 the Governor & Council authorized the New Hampshire State Library to accept the gift of the collection of arborist resources for the State of New Hampshire from the NH Arborists Association through a Memorandum of Understanding (2001). The resources became the property of the New Hampshire State Library. Two copies of each title are gifted by the NH Arborists Association. One copy is located in the Reference Collection and does not circulate. A second copy is a circulating copy. The AV equipment does not circulate. All New Hampshire State Library patrons may use the entire collection of resources under this agreement.
A comprehensive list of these resources is available to NH Arborists Association members and others statewide (see below). The NH Arborists Association and the New Hampshire State Library continue to jointly publicize the collection of resources. The NH Arborists Association’s gift to the New Hampshire State Library is a dramatic one that attests to the association’s commitment and dedication to education – the education of professional arborists, the citizens of New Hampshire, and new generations of arborists. There are few more satisfying or more far-reaching legacies than education.
New Hampshire State Library
20 Park Street Concord, New Hampshire 03301 603.271.2144
The primary focus of the NH Arborists Association Core Collection of Arborist Educational Resources selections corresponds to the subject areas developed for study and preparation for the NHAA Arborist Certification Exam. The subject areas include Tree Identification; Insect and Disease Identification and Life Cycles; Tree Biology and Tree Function; General Practices and Procedures of Arboriculture; Soil Structure, Function, and Biology; and Arboricultural Safety (safe work practices). This collection of resources continues to be updated regularly by the NH Arborists Association with cutting-edge resources for arborist education and arborist certification exam preparation.
American Nursery & Landscape Association. 2004. American Standard For Nursery Stock: ANSI Z60.1-2004. 129p. 2004 Edition available online courtesy of the American Nursery & Landscape Association, 1000 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20005.www.anla.org
American Association of Nurserymen. American National Standards Institute. 1997. American Standard For Nursery Stock. ANSI Z60.1-1996. 57p. (Note: 2004 Edition available online (www.anla.org) see above.)
Armitage, Allan M. 1997. Herbaceous Perennial Plants: A Treatise On Their Identification, Culture, and Garden Attributes. 2nd ed. Stipes Publishing. 1,141p.
Bailey, L.H. 1976. Hortus Third: A Concise Dictionary of Plants Cultivated in the United States and Canada. Macmillan. 1,290p.
Blair, Donald F. 1999. Arborist Equipment: A Guide To The Tools And Equipment of Tree Maintenance and Removal. 2nd ed. International Society of Arboriculture. 300p.
Bloch, Lew. 2000. Tree Law Cases in the USA. Bloch Consulting Group. 127p.
Bond, Jerry and Beth Buchanan. 2006. Best Management Practices: Tree Inventories. International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), P.O. Box 3129, Champaign, IL 61826.3129.www.isa-arbor.com. 26p.
Campana, Richard J. 1999. Arboriculture: History And Development in North America.Michigan State University Press. 443p.
Campana, Richard J. 2000. Memory Lane: Reflections On 75 Years of Service. International Society of Arboriculture. 16p.
Cappiello, Paul and Don Shadow. 2005. Dogwoods: The Genus Cornus. Timber Press. 224p.
Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers. 2000. Guide For Plant Appraisal. 9th ed. International Society of Arboriculture. 143p.
Craul, Philip J. 1999. Urban Soils: Applications and Practices. Wiley. 366p.
Dines, Nicholas T. and Kyle D. Brown. 2001. Landscape Architects Portable Handbook.McGraw-Hill. 443p.
Dirr, Michael A. 2009. Manual of Woody Landscape Plants: Their Identification, Ornamental Characteristics, Culture, Propagation and Uses. Sixth Edition. Stipes Publishing. 1,325p.
Dirr, Michael A. 2007. Viburnums: Flowering Shrubs for Every Season. Timber Press. 262p.
Dirr, Michael A. 2004. Hydrangeas for American Gardens. Timber Press. 236p.
Dirr, Michael A. 2002. Dirr’s Trees and Shrubs for Warm Climates: An Illustrated Encyclopedia. Timber Press. 446p.
Dirr, Michael A. 1997. Dirr’s Hardy Trees And Shrubs: An Illustrated Encyclopedia. Timber Press. 493p.
Dirr, Michael A. 1998. Manual Of Woody Landscape Plants: Their Identification, Ornamental Characteristics, Culture, Propagation, And Uses. 5th ed. Stipes Publishing. 1,187p.
Dirr, Michael A. 1978. Photographic Manual Of Woody Landscape Plants: Form And Function in the Landscape. Stipes Publishing. 378p.
European Arboricultural Council. 2000. European Treeworker Handbook. Patzer Verlag. 139p.
Gelderen, D.M. van. 1997. Conifers: The Illustrated Encyclopedia. 706p.
Gerritsen, Henk and Piet Oudolf. 2000. Dream Plants For The Natural Garden. Timber Press. 144p.
Gilman, Edward G. and Sharon J. Lilly. 2002. Revised 2008. Best Management Practices: TREE PRUNING (REVISED 2008). Companion publication to the ANSI A300 Part 1: Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Maintenance — Standard Practices, Pruning. International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), P.O. Box 3129, Champaign, IL 61826.3129. www.isa-arbor.com. 38p.
Harlow, William M. 1959. Fruit Key and Twig Key To Trees And Shrubs: Fruit Key To Northeastern Trees; Twig Key To The Deciduous Woody Plants. Dover Publications. 56p.
Hudak, Joseph. 2000. Design For Gardens. Timber Press. 217p.
Hughes, Mollie K. 2000. Forever Green: The Dartmouth College Campus: An Arboretum Of Northern Trees. Dartmouth College, The Class of 1950. 168p.
International Society of Arboriculture. 2006. American National Standard For Arboricultural Operations — Safety Requirements. ANSI Z133.1-2006. Revision of ANSI Z133.1-2000. American National Standards Institute (ANSI). International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), P.O. Box 3129, Champaign, IL 61826.3129. www.isa-arbor.com. 55p.
International Society of Arboriculture. 2000. American National Standard For Arboricultural Operations: Pruning, Repairing, Maintaining, and Removing Trees And Cutting Brush: Safety Requirements. ANSI Z133.1-2000. International Society of Arboriculture. 32p.
Jepson, Jeff. 2000. The Tree Climbers Companion: A Reference And Training Manual For Professional Tree Climbers. 2nd ed. Beaver Tree Publications. 104p.
Johnson, Warren T. and Howard H. Lyon. 1994. Insects That Feed On Trees And Shrubs. 2nd ed. Comstock Publishers, Associates. 560p.
Kempter, Geoffrey P. 2004. Best Management Practices: Utility Pruning of Trees. Special companion publication to the ANSI A300 Part 1: Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Maintenance –Standard Practices, Pruning. International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), P.O. Box 3129, Champaign, IL 61826.3129. www.isa-arbor.com. 22p.
Kuser, John E., Editor. 2000. Handbook Of Urban And Community Forestry In The Northeast. Kluver Academic/Plenum Publishers. 444p.
Lilly, Sharon J. 2001. Arborists’ Certification Study Guide. New and Revised ed. International Society of Arboriculture. 222p.
Lilly, Sharon J. 1999. Golf Course Tree Management. Ann Arbor Press. 216p.
Lilly, Sharon J. 1998. Tree Climbers Guide. International Society of Arboriculture. 143p.
Little, Elbert L. 1998. National Audubon Society Field Guide To North American Trees, Eastern Region. Alfred A. Knopf/Chanticleer Press. 714p.
Local Government Center. 2004. A Hard Road to Travel: New Hampshire Law of Local Highways, Streets and Trails. Local Government Center, Concord, NH. 208p.
Matheny, Nelda P. and James R. Clark. 1998. Trees And Development: A Technical Guide To Preservation Of Trees During Land Development. International Society of Arboriculture. 183p.
Mattheck, C. [Claus]. 2004. The Face of Failure in Nature and Engineering. Forschungzentrum Karlsruhe. 208p.
Mattheck, C. [Claus] and Helge Breloer. 1994. The Body Language Of Trees: A Handbook For Failure Analysis. HMSO. 240p.
Mattheck, C. [Claus]. 1998. Design In Nature: Learning From Trees. Springer-Verlag. 276p.
Mattheck, C. [Claus], F.W.M.R. Schwarze, and J. Engels. 2000. Fungal Strategies Of Wood Decay in Trees. Springer. 185p.
Mattheck, C. [Claus]. 1999. Stupsi Explains The Tree: A Hedgehog Teaches The Body Language of Trees. 3rd Enlarged ed. Forschungzentrum Karlsruhe. 115p.
Mattheck, C. [Claus] and H. Kubler. 1997. Wood: The Internal Optimization of Trees. Springer. 129p.
Miller, Robert W. 1997. Urban Forestry: Planning And Managing Urban Greenspaces.Prentice Hall. 502p.
National Arborist Association, Inc. 1995. American National Standard For Tree Care Operations: Tree, Shrub, And Other Woody Plant Maintenance: Standard Practices, Part 1.ANSI/A300-1995. American National Standards Institute, Inc. 9p.
National Arborist Association, Inc. 1998. American National Standard For Tree Care Operations: Tree, Shrub, And Other Woody Plant Maintenance: Fertilization, Standard Practices, Part 2. ANSI A300-1998, Part 2. American National Standards Institute, Inc. 15p.
National Arborist Association, Inc. 2000. American National Standard For Tree Care Operations: Tree, Shrub, And Other Woody Plant Maintenance: Support Systems: Cabling, Bracing, and Guying, Standard Practices, Part 3. ANSI A300-2000, Part 3. National Arborist Association, Inc. 29p.
National Arborist Association, Inc. 2001. Home Study For Professional Arborists. Revised. National Arborist Association, Inc.
National Arborist Association, Inc. 2000. National Arborist Association Pocket Guide: Vol. 2: Identifying Hazard Trees. National Arborist Association.
National Arborist Association, Inc. 1994. Tailgate Safety: Safety Training For Tree Care Professionals. Revised. National Arborist Association.
Oudolf, Piet. 1999. Designing With Plants. Timber Press. 160p.
Phillips, Jack and Alex L. Shigo. 2008. The Nature of Tree Care: Conversations With Alex Shigo. A Collaboration Between Jack Phillips and Alex L. Shigo. Copyright 2008 by Shigo and Trees, Associates LLC, Post Office Box 2466, Snohomish, WA 98291.2466. www.shigoandtrees.com. 23p.
Plotnik, Arthur. 2000. The Urban Tree Book: An Uncommon Field Guide For City And Town.Three Rivers Press. 432p.
Poor, Janet M., Editor. 1994. Plants That Merit Attention: Volume 2: Shrubs. Timber Press. 363p.
Poor, Janet M., Editor. 1984. Plants That Merit Attention: Volume 1: Trees. Timber Press. 365p.
Raleigh, Duane. 1998. Knots And Ropes For Climbers. Stackpole Books. 89p.
Reynolds, Mary K. and H. Sharon Ossenbruggen. 1998. (2009 In Press.) Planting Trees In Designed And Built Community Landscapes: Checklists For Success. 2nd ed. Monograph. State of New Hampshire, Department of Resources and Economic Development, Division of Forests and Lands. Concord, NH. 8p.
Reynolds, Mary K. and Raymond M. Boivin. 1994. Selecting Trees For Urban Landscape Ecosystems: Hardy Species For Northern New England Communities. State of New Hampshire, Department of Resources and Economic Development, Division of Forests and Lands. Concord, NH. 104p.
Shigo, Alex L. 1993. 100 Tree Myths: 100 Myths, 26 Near Myths. Shigo and Trees, Associates. Durham, NH. 80p.
Shigo, Alex L. n.d. 5 Minute Tree Care: 5 Ways To Avoid Wasting Money. Shigo and Trees, Associates. Durham, NH. 11p.
Shigo, Alex L. 1994. Arboricultura Moderna Compendio: Un Estudio De Los Sistemas Para ElCuidado De Los Arboles Y Sus Asociados. Spanish Ed. Shigo and Trees, Associates. Durham, NH. 152p.
Shigo, Alex L. 1990. Caring For Young Trees From Nurseries To Landscapes: A Guide To Help Young Trees Grow To Be Safe, Healthy, and Attractive. Shigo and Trees, Associates. Durham, NH. 12p.
Shigo, Alex L. 2008. Modern Arboriculture: A Systems Approach To The Care Of Trees And Their Associates. Fourth Printing 2008. Copyright 1991 by Shigo and Trees, Associates LLC, Post Office Box 2466, Snohomish, WA 98291.2466 U.S.A. www.shigoandtrees.com. 424p.
Shigo, Alex L. 1991. Modern Arboriculture: A Systems Approach To The Care Of Trees And Their Associates. Shigo and Trees, Associates. Durham, NH. 424p.
Shigo, Alex L. 2008. A New Tree Biology and Dictionary: Facts, Photos, and Philosophies On Trees and Their Problems and Proper Care. Eleventh Printing 2008. This edition combines A New Tree Biology and A New Tree Biology Dictionary. Both are reprinted here in their entirety. Copyright 1986 by Shigo and Trees, Associates LLC, Post Office Box 2466, Snohomish, WA 98291.2466 U.S.A. www.shigoandtrees.com. 761p.
Shigo, Alex L. 1986. A New Tree Biology Dictionary: Terms, Topics, And Treatments For Trees And Their Problems And Proper Care. Shigo and Trees, Associates. Durham, NH. 132p.
Shigo, Alex L. 1989. A New Tree Biology: Facts, Photos, And Philosophies On Trees And Their Problems And Proper Care. 2nd ed. Shigo and Trees, Associates. Durham, NH. 618p.
Shigo, Alex L. 1987. New Tree Health: New Information On How To Keep Your Trees Healthy.Shigo and Trees, Associates. Durham, NH. 8p.
Shigo, Alex L. 2008. Pruning Trees Near Electric Utility Lines. Podando Arboles Cerca De Lineas Electricas. A Field Pocket Guide For Qualified Line-Clearance Tree Workers.Spanish/English. Copyright 1990 by Shigo and Trees, Associates LLC, Post Office Box 2466, Snohomish, WA 98291.2466 U.S.A. www.shigoandtrees.com. 38p.
Shigo, Alex L. 1990. Pruning Trees Near Electric Utility Lines: A Field Pocket Guide For Qualified Line-Clearance Tree Workers. Shigo and Trees, Associates. Durham, NH. 32p.
Shigo, Alex L. n.d. Shigo On Trees. Shigo and Trees, Associates. Durham, NH. 49p.
Shigo, Alex L. 1994. Tree Anatomy. Shigo and Trees, Associates. Durham, NH. 104p.
Shigo, Alex L. 1995. Tree Basics. Shigo and Trees, Associates. Durham, NH. 40p.
Shigo, Alex L. n.d. Tree Hazards: 13 Questions That Could Save A Life, Maybe Yours. Shigo and Trees, Associates. Durham, NH. 1 sheet, folded.
Shigo, Alex. L. 1999. Tree Pithy Points: Brief Messages On Tree Biology, Tree Care, and Philosophy. Shigo and Trees, Associates. Durham, NH. 160p.
Shigo, Alex L. 1989. Tree Pruning: A Worldwide Photo Guide. Shigo and Trees, Associates. Durham, NH. 186p.
Sinclair, Wayne A., Howard H. Lyon, and Warren T. Johnson. 1996. Diseases Of Trees And Shrubs. Comstock Publishers, Associates. 575p.
Smiley, E. Thomas and Sharon Lilly. 2001. 2007. Best Management Practices: Tree Support Systems: Cabling, Bracing, Guying, and Propping (Revised). Companion publication to ANSI A300 Part 3 (2006), Supplemental Support Systems. International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), P.O. Box 3129, Champaign, IL 61826.3129. www.isa-arbor.com. 35p.
Smiley, E. Thomas, Sharon J. Lilly, and Patrick Kelsey. 2002. Best Management Practices: Tree and Shrub Fertilization. Companion publication to the ANSI A300 Standard for Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Fertilization. International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), P.O. Box 3129, Champaign, IL 61826.3129. www.isa-arbor.com. 34p.
Smiley, E. Thomas, A. William Graham, Jr., and Scott Cullen. 2008. Best Management Practices: Tree Lightning Protection Systems, 2nd Edition. Companion publication to the ANSI A300 Part 4: Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Maintenance — Standard Practices (Lightning Protection Systems). International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), P.O. Box 3129, Champaign, IL 61826.3129. www.isa-arbor.com. 41p.
Smith, Bruce and Allen Padgett. 1996. On Rope: North American Vertical Rope Techniques For Caving . . .Rappellers. Vertical Section, National Speleological Society. 382p.
Symonds, George W.D. 1958. The Tree Identification Book: A New Method For the Practical Identification And Recognition of Trees. Quill. 272p.
Symonds, George W.D. 1963. The Shrub Identification Book: The Visual Method For The Practical Identification Of Shrubs, Including Woody Vines And Ground Covers. W.M. Morrow &Co. 379p.
Tree Care Industry Association, Inc. 2004. American National Standard for Tree Care Operations: Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Maintenance — Standard Practices: Fertilization. ANSI A300 (Part 2)-2004 Fertilization. Revision of ANSI A300 (Part 2)-1998. Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA), 136 Harvey Road, Suite 101, Londonderry, NH 03053.www.tcia.org. 15p.
Tree Care Industry Association, Inc. 2006. American National Standard for Tree Care Operations: Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Maintenance — Standard Practices: (Integrated Vegetation Management a. Electric Utility Rights-of-way). ANSI A300 (Part 7)-2006 IVM. Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA), 136 Harvey Road, Suite 101, Londonderry, NH 03053. www.tcia.org. 57-66p.
Tree Care Industry Association, Inc. 2008. American National Standard for Tree Care Operations: Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Management — Standard Practices (Lightning Protection Systems). ANSI A300 (Part 4)-2008 Lightning Protection Systems. Revision of ANSI A300 (Part 4)-2002. Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA), 136 Harvey Road, Suite 101, Londonderry, NH 03053. www.tcia.org. 9p.
Tree Care Industry Association, Inc. 2005. American National Standard for Tree Care Operations: Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Maintenance — Standard Practices (Management of Trees and Shrubs During Site Planning, Site Development, and Construction). ANSI A300 (Part 5)-2005 Management. Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA), 136 Harvey Road, Suite 101, Londonderry, NH 03053. www.tcia.org. 15p.
Tree Care Industry Association, Inc. 2008. American National Standard for Tree Care Operations — Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Management — Standard Practices (Pruning). ANSI A300 (Part 1)-2008 Pruning. Revision of ANSI A300 (Part 1)-2001. Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA), 136 Harvey Road, Suite 101, Londonderry, NH 03053. www.tcia.org.13p.
Tree Care Industry Association, Inc. 2006. American National Standard: Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Maintenance — Standard Practices (Supplemental Support Systems).ANSI A300 (Part 3)-2006. Revision of ANSI A300 (Part 3)-2000. Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA), 136 Harvey Road, Suite 101, Londonderry, NH 03053. www.tcia.org. 30p.
Tree Care Industry Association, Inc. 2005. American National Standard for Tree Care Operations — Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Maintenance — Standard Practices (Transplanting). ANSI A300 (Part 6)-2005 Transplanting. Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA), 136 Harvey Road, Suite 101, Londonderry, NH 03053. www.tcia.org. 15p.
Tree Care Industry Association. 2007. TCIA Tailgate Safety: Manual for Job Site Safety Meetings. 5th Edition. Tree Care Industyr Association, 136 Harvey Road, Suite 101, Londonderry, NH 03053. www.treecareindustry.org. 522p.
Tree Care Industry Association. 2008. TCIA Pocket Guide: Identifying Hazard Trees. Tree Care Industry Association, 136 Harvey Road, Suite 101, Londonderry, NH 03053. www.tcia.org. 42p.
Tree Care Industry Association. 2006. TCIA Pocket Guide: Preventing Electrocution. Tree Care Industry Association, 136 Harvey Road, Suite 101, Londonderry, NH 03053. www.tcia.org.42p.
Tree Care Industry Association. 2008. TCIA Pocket Guide: Preventing Falls. Tree Care Industry Association, 136 Harvey Road, Suite 101, Londonderry, NH 03053. www.tcia.org. 48p.
Tree Care Industry Association. 2008. TCIA Pocket Guide: Preventing “Struck-By’s”. Tree Care Industry Association, 136 Harvey Road, Suite 101, Londonderry, NH 03053. www.tcia.org.37p.
Tree Care Industry Association. 2008. TCIA Pocket Guide: Safe Tree Felling. Tree Care Industry Association, 136 Harvey Road, Suite 101, Londonderry, NH 03053. www.tcia.org. 42p.
Trowbridge, Peter J. and Nina J. Bassuk. 2004. Trees in the Urban Landscape: Site Assessment, Design, and Installation. Wiley. 207p.
Watson, Gary and E.B. Himelick. 2005. Best Management Practices: Tree Planting. Special companion publication to the ANSI A300 Part 6: Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Maintenance — Standard Practices (Transplanting). International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), P.O. Box 3129, Champaign, IL 61826-3129. www.isa-arbor.com. 41p.
Waugh, H. Bernard, Jr. 1997. A Hard Road To Travel: New Hampshire Municipal Association’s Handbook On New Hampshire Law of Local Highways, Streets, And Trails.New Hampshire Municipal Association, P.O. Box 617, Concord, NH. 03302.0617. 236p.
Wiseman, P. Eric. 2007. Best Management Practices: Integrated Pest Management.International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), P.O. Box 3129, Champaign, IL 61826.3129. www.isa-arbor.com. 29p.
Shigo, Alex L. 1991. Modern Arboriculture: A Systems Approach To The Care Of Trees And Their Associates. Shigo and Trees, Associates. Durham, NH. 120 slide set.
Shigo, Alex L. 1994. Tree Anatomy Above Ground. Shigo and Trees, Associates. Durham, NH. 80 slide set w/audio cassette.
Shigo, Alex L. 1994. Tree Anatomy Below Ground. Shigo and Trees, Associates. Durham, NH. 80 slide set w/audio cassette.
Shigo, Alex L. 1989. Tree Pruning: A Worldwide Photo Guide. Shigo and Trees, Associates. Durham, NH. 125 slide set.
Armitage, Allan M. 1998. Allan M. Armitages Photo-Library Of Herbaceous Plants On CD-ROM. PlantAmerica, Inc. CD-Rom, 4 discs.
Dirr, Michael A. 2003. The Interactive Manual and Photo-Library of Woody Plants DVD Version. Varsity Press, Athens, GA. DVD.
Dirr, Michael A. 2001. The Interactive Manual Of Woody Landscape Plants On CD-ROM.PlantAmerica, Inc. CD-Rom, 4 discs.
Dirr, Michael A. 1996. Michael A. Dirr’s Photo-Library Of Woody Landscape Plants.PlantAmerica, Inc. CD-Rom, 4 discs.
Shigo, Alex L. 2008. The Alex L. Shigo Story DVD – A Biography. Copyright 2008 by Shigo and Trees, Associates LLC, Post Office Box 2466, Snohomish, WA 98291.2466 U.S.A. www.shigoandtrees.com. 93 Minutes.
Shigo, Alex L. 2008. Backyard Pathology: A Walk Through the Woods with Dr. Shigo.Copyright 2008 by Shigo and Trees, Associates LLC, Post Office Box 2466, Snohomish, WA. 98291.2466. U.S.A. www.shigoandtrees.com. 33 Minutes.
Shigo, Alex L. 2008. Trees, Associates and Shigo: A Two CD Set Containing over 5,000 Photos. Copyright 2008 by Shigo and Trees, Associates LLC, Post Office Box 2466, Snohomish, WA. 98291.2466 U.S.A. www.shigoandtrees.com. Five Thousand Photos All in PDF Format.
Shigo, Alex L. 2002. TREES, ASSOCIATES and SHIGO: A Collection Of Over 5,000 Items From Research and Travels Worldwide Over A Forty Year Period. Shigo and Trees, Associates. Durham, NH. CD Set, 2Discs.
Arbormaster. 2001. The Art and Science of Practical Rigging. International Society of Arboriculture and National Arborist Association, Inc. Videocassettes (8), VHS with Study Guide.
Husqvarna and National Arborist Association, Inc. 1998. Rigging For Removal: Basic Rigging (Volume 1) And Technical Rigging (Volume 2). National Arborist Association, Inc. Vidiocassettes (2) VHS, w/workbook.
International Society of Arboriculture. 1998. Chainsaw Safety, Maintenance, And Cutting Techniques. International Society of Arboriculture. Videocassettes (6) VHS, w/study guide.
International Society of Arboriculture. 1997. Climbing Knots And Hitches. International Society of Arboriculture. Videocassette (1) VHS, w/study guide.
International Society of Arboriculture. 1997. Climbing: Techniques And Equipment.International Society of Arboriculture. Videocassette (1) VHS, w/study guide.
International Society of Arboriculture. 1998. Innovations In Climbing Equipment.International Society of Arboriculture/ArborMaster Training. Videocassette (1) VHS, w/study guide.
International Society of Arboriculture. 1997. Introduction to Belay: Techniques And Equipment. International Society of Arboriculture. Videocassettte (1) VHS, w/study guide.
International Society of Arboriculture. 1997. Introduction To Ropes: Construction, Limitations, and Care. International Society of Arboriculture. Videocassette (1) VHS, w/study guide.
International Society of Arboriculture. 1997. Introduction To Secured Footlock: Techniques And Equipment. International Society of Arboriculture. Videocassette (1) VHS, w/study guide.
International Society of Arboriculture. 1997. Introduction To The Throwline: Techniques And Equipment. Videocassette (1) VHS, w/study guide.
International Society of Arboriculture. 1998. Rigging Knots, Rope Slings, And Eye Splices.International Society of Arboriculture/ArborMaster Training. Videocassette (1) VHS, w/study guide.
Lilly, Sharon J., Donald F. Blair, and Richard J. Campana. 1999. Legends Of Arboriculture.International Society of Arboriculture/Prairie Production Group. Videocassette (1) VHS.
National Arborist Association, Inc. 1989. Aerial Rescue. English and Spanish Editions. National Arborist Association, Inc. Videocassette (1) VHS.
National Arborist Association, Inc. n.d. Back Injury Prevention. National Arborist Association, Inc. Videocassette (1) VHS.
National Arborist Association, Inc. and International Society of Arboriculture. 2000. Basic Training For Ground Operations In Tree Care: An Orientation To The Arboriculture Profession, Vehicle Safety, Job Planning And Preparation, Working Safely And Efficiently, And Brush Chipper Operation And Maintenance. International Society of Arboriculture and National Arborist Association, Inc. Videocassettes (5) VHS, w/workbook, 100p.
National Arborist Association, Inc. and International Society of Arboriculture. 1999. Basic Training For Tree Climbers: Getting Started, Rope Installation And Ascending, Climbing Spurs, Tying-In And Positioning, And Working The Tree. International Society of Arboriculture and National Arborist Association, Inc. Videocassettes (5) VHS, w/workbook.
National Arborist Association, Inc. 1989. Electric Hazards And Trees. Baltimore Gas & Electric. Videocassette (1) VHS.
National Arborist Association, Inc. 1987. On Target: Proper Pesticide Application For Urban Trees. National Arborist Association, Inc. Videocassette (1) VHS.
National Arborist Association, Inc. 1994. Ropes, Knots, And Climbing. National Arborist Association, Inc. Videocassette (1) VHS.
National Arborist Association, Inc. 1989. Techniques Of Arboriculture: Principles Of Shade And Ornamental Tree Pruning. National Arborist Association, Inc. Videocassette (1) VHS.
Shigo, Alex L. n.d. A Closer Look At Trees With Alex L. Shigo. Shigo and Trees, Associates. Durham, NH. Videocassette (1) VHS.