2024 NHAA Dues

In an effort to streamline things for our members we now have a couple of easy online solutions for paying dues. We also have the option for you to pay for your Employee's Dues on the site as well.
To keep track of who is who you will need to provide 2 important things when paying.
1.) The email address associated with your NHAA Membership
2.) Your Membership ID#

Please have everyone paid by Jan 31, 2024

A Note about paying Multiple Employees Dues:
You will have to enter each person's info one at a time.
Enter the first person's info then click "Add to Cart"
Click "Continue Shopping" to go back to the form and
Fill out the next person's info & hit "Add to Cart"
Repeat for as many people as you need.
Then when you have added everyone you are paying for
Proceed to Checkout and pay for all.

Pay by Check?
For those who want to mail in their dues and pay by check:
Click on the link below for a Member Renewal form.
Print it out, fill it out, and mail it in, with your payment.